Managing a social media community for a business is not a slap dash thing and shouldn't be squashed into the bottom of your secretary's 'to do' list.  It requires time, energy, knowledge and strategy.  Your customers/audience will know if you're just coasting along because your content wont have the substance they need and they simply wont waste their time on it.  Problem is, if you don't have audience engagement then the whole exercise becomes futile.


Do you know how much you're asking for?

Social Media marketing and strategy is a job on its own and if you make it part of an already-busy-person's job, the one thing that inevitably suffers is the social media.  That's because social media is not just about being reactive when required but is mostly proactive work to make it function at its best.  This means that the person managing your social media community needs to reach out to your audience and engage regularly.  They need to create valuable content for your followers and they need to be available to engage whenever a fan or follower wants to.  Basically, if she/he doesn't have the time to do all of this, then you're setting them up for failure.

Content is key, and it's the hardest part...

You may not be aware that Facebook doesn't allow everything that is posted by you to appear in your fan's news feed unless it is sponsored (paid for advertising, which is of course how Facebook makes loads of money).  There are algorithms that push quality content to the top and poor content doesn't even get a look in.  This means that if your posts are regularly discarded or there is little to no engagement then Facebook's algorithm assumes that it is just not valuable enough to appear.  So once again, unless you are pushing out some content worth seeing the whole exercise becomes pointless.  The lesson here is that you should focus less on quantity and more on quality when you are posting on behalf of your business. 

Thought leadership articles where your audience is interested enough to engage with you is what you should be aiming for.  Achieving this takes experience and knowledge of your brand and business. Has your secretary got the time, the knowledge of your business and an understanding of your targeted audience to be able to create content that will grab their attention and keep it?

If so, it might be time for a promotion, otherwise, you may need to get a pro on board!
